Wow! I can barely believe it either! It's very early, 14 days past ovulation - so 4 weeks pregnant by the medical world standards. I've been testing every day for a week, because I just needed to know the first possible minute I could (thank goodness for the dollar tree pregnancy tests!!)! We got the super faint positive test 2 days ago, the day before our positive last year with Dresden. Strange in many ways is that this pregnancy (if it sticks! TRYING to be optimistic, but I think there is a natural mental protection thing that will be going on through this pregnancy too) follows Dresden's time line exactly (down to me getting drunk a few days before at the Moitozo's xmas party!haha). I chart my temperatures, so I know all of the details surrounding all 3 of my pregnancies. I feel like my body purposely waited until December 23rd to ovulate - THE same day as with Dresden. We were originally planning to avoid the same due date, but I feel like it's kind of special that they are due on the same day. This baby will very likely be born in August (due date is September 15 - but I should have the planned cesarean 3ish weeks early) anyway - I will never be 39 weeks pregnant again! How lovely it will be if we are holding new life in our arms on Dresden's 1st birthday. The thought actually warms my heart quite a bit.
You may think it's strange to tell the world so soon.. some people wait months to tell. Shaun and I have HUGE mouths though, and that would never work for us. We told everyone instantly with our last two pregnancies, and figure why should this one be any different? Especially because I feel like anyone who knows us, realizes as much as WE do that pregnancy does not always go as planned... sometimes you don't get to bring a baby home with you at the end. This pregnancy might last 5 weeks, or 15 weeks, or 37.. and I plan to enjoy every minute I have with this baby, if our time is cut short, I can at least cherish the time we had together. We realize now, more than ever that we are offered no guarantees in the game called life.. so while we have this great news, we'll share it! :)
Hoping that 2009 is a better year for all of us!
Well, well, well!! Congrats!! I am happy and I am praying this is a way better year for you guys!! I am so happy for you guys!! Love you!!
yayayayay!! congratulations Ryan family!!
:) yay! Congrats mama!
I am so super happy for you guys!!!
Congrats!!! :D :D :D :D
Well, well, well indeed! Fertile Myrtle:) That is great news. What a fantastic way to start your year. I'll hold good thoughts for a healthy 37ish week pg!!
Congratulations Shannon and Family!!
i'm new here, but a huge congrats. hoping with all my heart i'm not far behind you!
Shannon ... I've already said Congratulations on MDC but your post warmed my heart - such hope. You're brilliant!!
CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you!
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