Wednesday, January 14, 2009

libary storytime

We went to library story time, the new session started today after a couple month break. There was a mom there that I haven't seen since August.. someone I've chatted to a few times at the park after storytime.. she asked, Where is your other little one? So, I told her what happened, and showed her Dresden's picture.. it's so strange, because as soon as I saw her, I KNEW she would be wondering where the baby was.. so I anticipated the question, but it still knocks me on my butt to hear it... it's like I can't prepare myself enough. But it always feels good to talk about him.. and another lady who was there made a comment, like well, I hope you can try again in the future.. and so I told them that I was 5 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy after loss is such a positive thing.. I mean, it proves to the world that you can suffer the worst possible tragedy and still survive! I think that makes everyone feel beautiful joy! :) For me.. there is nothing sweeter than hearing about one of my fellow loss momma's getting pregnant again!


Heather E said...

Oh Shannon, I can not begin to understand how much that question would hurt! It makes me more aware of what could happen and to be more sensitive in asking. Thank you again for sharing!

Hope's Mama said...

i so hope i am not far behind you.

k@lakly said...

You are much braver than I was. I ran like mad to avoid the questions for months.
Keep on peeing! The results look good:)

Michelle R said...

Shannon, I wish that I could properly express in words how amazed I am with you and the way you have handled live after loosing your sweet Dresden. And thank you for sharing your stories with me and with moms who have been though such a tragedy as yours. Your handing out a lot of hope :)