Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I fell :(

It was bound to happen.. I keep tripping over cracks in the sidwalk! BUT.. this fall was not my fault. I was carrying Gwen to bed when I slipped on a little puddle of water (thank you GWEN - she was giving some 'tea' to her daddy a bit before and a little spilled). The fall wasn't too bad.. my left leg slipped out and somehow my right knee took most of the impact - I'm kind of shocked worse didn't happen to my knee just because it was behind me in a weird way and all scraped up!? Shaun kept asking the rest of the night if Delaney is moving?.. like the fall would kill her instantly or something? He hates when I say negative comments (or when I don't assume that in 5 weeks there WILL 100% for sure be a baby to bring home- even though mostly I DO believe that, I'm just afraid of getting too cocky) but the way he kept asking last night shows me that HE has the same worries too.. he's just not so open with them. She's been moving like normal.. and I have an NST/BPP today, so if the fall did anything we should be able to catch it. I hope the tests go good today and I don't have to be there for HOURS!


still life angie said...

Oh, no. That is so nerve-wracking. Sending you calming, quick appointment vibes. With love.

The Fabulous Ms. Beth said...

Hugs -- I fell in an icy parking lot when I was prego with Kate. I freaked out. My knee was banged up pretty bad, and I was scared that something happened to her. My friend is a midwife and she came over with her doppler and listened for a while. She was snug as a bug in a rug and was fine. :)

Heather E said...

Sorry that you fell! And I hope by the time you read this that you are back from your appointment and that Delaney is okay. So, about your knee...OUCH!

Michelle R said...

(((hugs))) so sorry Shannon!