Tuesday, July 7, 2009

30 weeks

The big week is finally here.. well, I suppose it's not THE BIG WEEK (that would be birth, right?) but we have now entered the final weeks! I will be 30 something weeks pregnant when Delaney is born!! Nothing new to report on the pregnancy front, she's still moving lots and letting me know she's okay. There are still times when i get nervous that she hasn't moved for a bit, and I start going over in my head how horrible it's going to be and how I'll react and what happens next and all this crap that I don't really want to think about - but once something so terrible happens to you, you don't get to live in a dream anymore. Even with those feelings and thoughts creeping in at times, I feel really positive and just KNOW that I'll be holding this baby in 8 weeks or less, and she will be alive. I can't wait for that day!!


christie said...

awwww, you look beautiful, just beautiful. YES, you will be holding a healthy baby in a matter of weeks. you will.

still life angie said...

you look so beautiful! Wow, thirty weeks. It's been nice to share this time with you, and watch your little one grow in your belly. Positive juju for an uneventful seven weeks (give or take.)

Hope's Mama said...

Looking good Shannon!

Melissa said...

30 weeks! Wow! You look terrific!

Michelle R said...

I was so happy to see her showing off her mad kicking skills the other day!!
Can't wait to meet her!