Friday, August 7, 2009

NST :)

Another great NST for Delaney! I'm so glad that it seems the first one was a fluke and now she knows just what to do for that 20 minute appt! Blood pressure is good- 110/66 :) fundal height is good ANNNNND.. I asked the doc about my c-section appt and she looked it up and told me that I was the first appt of the day! 8AM!! YAAAAY!! Who'd have thunk that I'd find joy from being the first slice of the day??


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great news. Looking forward to her adorable photos!

Inanna said...

Good girl, Delaney - don't make your mama crazy! :)

Melissa said...

Fantastic!!! I can't wait to meet her. :)

Unknown said...

YaaaaaayY! :D XXX

Juliet said...

So glad that Delaney has been making your NSTs less stressful!