Sunday, August 9, 2009

11 months

It's hard to believe it's been 11 months since I held my sweet baby boy. It's often hard to let myself imagine what he'd be doing if he were with us right now. Probably walking, saying a few words, being totally adorable, of course! I should be working on his birthday party invitations right now - instead I'm writing about what should be. So much was stolen from our family and 11 months at times seems like an eternity ago, but sometimes so recent that I can still smell him, no matter how much time passes, I still long to hold him, love him. Mostly, I just can't believe it's been so long.. I miss him so much.


k@lakly said...

Thinking of you as you hold all of your babies close tonight and always.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) I'm so sorry for your sorrow. Take care & God Bless.

Hope's Mama said...

Remembering your Dresden today and always.

Fireflyforever said...

Remembering Dresden with you Shannon.


Michelle R said...

((hugs)) I always have you and sweet Dresden in my thoughts!!

Melissa said...

More hugs!! Sweet Dresden is missed.

Juliet said...

Remembering sweet Dresden with you.

Erika P said...

I'm a bit late to commenting but wanted to give you more hugs. Thinking of you and Dresden...