Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, I was supposed to have an ultrasound at the Study appt today. I printed out some VERY detailed directions on how to get to where I needed to be ... because I KNEW that I could not remember how to get to the place I needed to be. Shaun's mom, Gwen and I followed the directions perfectly.. the sign on the door said, We've moved.. go here.. so we did, we tried calling the study people, nothing! U of M is a HUGE hospital, finally after 45 minutes of searching, we found someone who could help us, and get a hold of the study coordinator- who said, We'll have to reschedule, because there is no space in ultrasounds! WWWAHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! I was already having a pretty edgy cranky day.. you know, when you just FEEL irritated, for no good reason!? Well, then I got my reason! I did still get free parking and the target card for coming out, so that was a plus.. but man, am I annoyed! SO, I did end up rescheduling for the 17th, and I will have someone meet me at the big bird and lead the way.. until they can give me some directions to the actual place I'm supposed to go! :( So, no pictures today. waaa!


Melissa said...

Oh...I'm sorry. What a pain!

Do you get a Target gift card every time you go? Score!

Anonymous said...

dagnabit! well, next appointment is St. Paddys Day, so hopefully the luck of the Irish will help you get where you need to go!

Heather E said...

And since that baby in you is part Irish, you should have a great one! Sorry this one didn't work out for you, I surely would have cried out of frustration!