I'm really shocked.. I've gone into each of my ultrasounds fully just KNOWING what kind of baby was inside.. and this time I really thought it was a boy (wishful thinking? perhaps?).. we had a pretty good view of the 'area' and it looks like a pretty good chance that there is a girl in there! :) I feel like i'm holding out for the next ultrasound, like I need a 2nd opinon on the matter! haha
Of course, what the baby is doesn't matter as much as the fact that all her parts look great, she's measuring a little bigger (like 2 days) on some things, a little smaller on the abdomen and everything looks healthy! Our girl weighs in at 8oz!
I'm bummed about the picture selection they gave us. There were a lot of great moments, they had a perfect spine profile shot that included her face.. but nope! They gave us 3 kind of crappy shots.. the doctor thought i had my ultrasound before my last appt and he asked if I wanted a 'copy' of the ultrasound.. I don't know what that means, but hopefully he's going to give me all the pictures or a video or SOMETHING cool! I still have a few study ultrasounds too.. so that gives room for additional snap shots of the babe.
Here is a picture for your enjoyment. :)
oh, and her name will be ....... Delaney Shea Ryan - initials DSR just like her big bro! ;)
The name Delaney \d(e)-la-ney\, also used as girl's name Delaney, is pronounced de-LANE-ee. It is of Irish, Gaelic and Old French origin, and its meaning is "dark challenger or offspring of the challenger; from the elder tree grove". Also possibly related to "swarthy", or a place name referring to the Slaney river.
The name Shea \shea\, also used as girl's name Shea, is pronounced shay. It is of Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "admirable". From Seaghdha. Also possibly "from the fairy fort". Surname occasionally used as a given name or middle name.

I was thinking, she was a he too. Anyhow, a healthy baby is just wonderful!!! Are you still thinking about Delany Shea? It is a beautiful name.
oh Shannon! A girl! I'm really at a loss for words! She looks great! I'm SO happy for you!
Many peaceful vibes for the rest of this girly pregnancy!
It was great seeing you today!
Yay congrats! I am excited for you guys! I was sitting on the couch and just remembered today was the day and I couldn't get online fast enough ;-)
Delaney Shae Ryan, welcome to the family! And Aunt Heather will try her best not to spell your beautiful Irish name wrong again! ;-)
OMG...a GIRL!!! Congrats to you all! I'm so happy for you guys! And I really love the names you chose, just beautiful. :)
How exciting!!!! Congrats!
Heather - technically you didn't spell Delaney wrong.. We pinned down the for sure spelling after your comment! ;)
Wonderful news!!! Congratulations :D
wow! a girl:) i love the name. love love love it!!
Welcome Delaney Shea. Grandma and Grandpa are waiting with open arms for our newest granddaughter. Just can't wait as we do love the girls. Just another one to wrap around Grandma and Grandpa's heart.
Oh my goodness Shannon. A sweet little girl - a sister for Gwen and Dresden. CONGRATS. Keep growing well for mama & daddy, Delaney. (I love her name.)
So great to hear the amazing news. I think the name you chose is beautiful! It was great seeing you and the family when I was home. :-)
Wonderful news! Congrats guys!!
Waaahooo! A little mama! Awwww Shannon, it's SO freakin' awesome that you found this out - gosh how exciting :D I am just tickled to know that you're expecting a little Delaney! wow - gosh I tell you - time just FLIES by, doesn't it?
Anyway I had to add a comment! *HUGE hugs* and snuggles to Delaney Shea XXXXXXXX :D
how awesome! What a beautiful name. I am so happy for you guys! :)
Congrats, Shannon! What a beautiful name. Finding out is so much fun. I'm so happy for you! :)
Keep growing strong, little Delaney
Congrats to you, Shannon. Her name and initials sound like a lovely way to honor Dresden.
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