Sunday, November 23, 2008

A new place

SO, I'm trying out blogger.. it seems to have some nicer features than the doteasy blog that I had set up.. and I found out that Shaun can STILL link from our account. Which is the most important thing to me.. I want to just be able to say to people, yea.. go to to see our website, ya know!? So, he's going to do that for here and all will be splendid! This is an easier place to add photos, videos, does not have a character limit and it has spell check! ;) I copied all of the entries I posted from August until now on this site. I did not copy the pictures.. but if you click on the title or even the comments section it will take you to the old site and all the pics and whatnot will be there for your enjoyment.


Anonymous said...

Hope to see some daily comments on what is happening with Gwen. It sure would give us a laugh every day. We cry and are amazed by the feelings that you put down on how you are dealing with the loss of Dresden.

Heather E said...

I do love the ease of this server (is that the right jargon to use?). It makes it fun to share a quick note and picture as we do lead fun and crazy lives. Thank you for inspiring me to write Shannon!

Michelle R said...

good to see you here!!

Melissa said...

Welcome to Blogger! I still need to add you to my blog roll...I keep forgetting!